Sunday, October 25, 2009

Welcome to Mariposa's Kitchen!

Yes, I've been anywhere and I'm everywhere!

For those who know me, well I'm not a cook. And for those who do no know me well, they can't even imagine me in the kitchen. But the truth is, if I'm home and I'm not in the garden, chances are I'm in the kitchen...doing one of the many things I am passionate about - Cooking!

Let me just make it clear here though, I'm not a professional cook...nor can I claim to be good at it. Cooking for me is one of the many ways I can reach out to people I care about. While men send their women flowers, I send my friends cakes, cookies and dinner. Just the other side of Mariposa revealed.

I will sharing here recipes I created myself, my family's, IT Guys and maybe some from friends and TVs and books. Since I'm no expert at this field (this is just a hobby and a passion!) please do not expect star rated menus here. Whatever I will be sharing here will be all practical menus, quick fixes at the kitchen and I mean a typical kitchen. :) I will try to share health recipes but since what I will be sharing are recipes which I own, so please be warned that some of them may also be something which can spoil us with carbs and calories. LOL

I'd like to thanks Jen of A2eatWrite for inspiring me to share this other side of me.

Once again, Welcome to Mariposa's Kitchen!